25 May 2018
25 May 2018

New ways of communication

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Much of the focus of the second day of the Media Experts Meeting was on evolving methods of communication.

Speaking about changes in the Vatican’s communication structure, Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, former Prefect of the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication, gave the keynote address. He said that reform was needed not only so that communicators within the Vatican could work more effectively together, but also, so that the Vatican could adapt to a quickly changing media landscape.

“How we access information has changed, and even how we read has changed,” said Msgr. Viganò. “With a single device –– a smartphone –– we can watch Netflix, get the news, read a book… Even my Breviary is on the phone.

“Time waits for no one. You need to move with change or you disappear… a story doesn’t exist if it isn’t seen.”

And today, change primarily centers around the move from a print to a digital world.


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In the afternoon, participants heard stories of others who have “moved with change,” who have embraced the digital world to spread their message. The Chilean Province shared its communication strategy for a “Dehonian Year.” It included a professionally created visual identity package implemented on several digital platforms.

Fr. Marco Bernardoni of the North Italian Province talked about the transition that the publication Settimana went through, moving in 2015 from a paid-subscription print publication to a free, online product.

And finally, representatives from Native Hope (via Skype), an organization initiated by St. Joseph’s Indian School in the US Province, shared their work of empowerment and healing among Native Americans through storytelling via digital media.
The Media Experts Meeting concluded with a visit to the Holy See’s Secretariat for Communication on Friday morning.


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