Father Stanisław Święch was born on March 23, 1934 and was 87 years old. He took his first vows on September 18, 1971 and was ordained priest on June 23, 1957.
He was currently living in Kraków (Poland). He belonged to the Province POL.
Venite ad me, omnes qui laboratis, et onerati estis: et ego reficiam vos. (Mt 11,28)
Fr. Stanisław Święch SCJ was born on 23rd March, 1934 in Bobowa in Southern Poland. He was ordained to priesthood in Tarnów on 23rd June, 1957. Few years later he joined the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart and made his first religious vows in Pliszczyn on 8th September, 1971.
He first served as the diocesan priest of the diocese of Tarnów for several years. In 1970 he joined the Congregation and after completing his novitiate, decided to go to the missions in the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zair. He worked tirelessly there between 1972 and 1989. After his return from African continent he served as the bursar at the Warsaw Centre of Mission Formation and the Mission Secretary of the Polish Province as well as the Mission Procure in Brussels, Belgium. Last few years of his life he spent in our religious house in Kraków.
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