“Jesus’ hour is the hour in which love triumphs”
Benedict XVI was a WYD pilgrim in his country in 2005. The occasion is his apostolic journey to Cologne. Germany warmly welcomes him: he follows in Peter’s footsteps with the baton entrusted to him by St. John Paul II. The estimates of the participants are once again surpassed: more than 1 million young people pray together with the German Pope. The theme is: “We came to worship Him”. At Mass on the esplanade of Marienfeld, on Sunday, August 21, Benedict indicates the Eucharist, exhorts forgiveness and rapprochement: “I know that you, as young people, aspire to great things and want to commit yourself to a better world. Give witness to all mankind, show the world that is awaiting precisely this witness of the disciples of Jesus Christ and, above all, through your love, it will be able to discover the star that we follow”.
(Vatican News, 2019)
In the vase, put seeds (of the flower that you think is most beautiful for you). But don’t water! Make a short video of sowing and send it to our instagram or facebook.