We the Community of Dehon Jyothi have stepped in the year of 2016 with a lot of hope and with a new spirit. The Lord has blessed us so far with 9 brothers and we expect still three more to join us by the end of this month.
The inaugural ceremony was held on the 14th of June. Rev. Fr. Thomas Vinod (District Superior) and Rev.Fr.Balraj Kasipally (District Secretary) graced the occasion. Fr.Thomas celebrating the Eucharist officially welcomed all the brothers to the Dehonian family. He distributed the crosses and the Holy Bible as a sign of welcoming them in to our congregation.
We have 5 brothers from Assam, 3 from Andhra and one from Orissa so far. It is for the first time we have 5 brothers coming from Assam (North East of India).The Credit must go to Fr. Alex for exploring the new land like St. Paul, to bring some freshness to the District. Our heartfelt thanks to Fr. Jesus for having been so generous for accommodating our brothers in Gorantla and at the same time, our thanks goes to Fr. Marianand for his excellent work of vocation Apostolate in Andhra and in Orissa to bring the vocation to our Dehon Jyothi Programme. Finally, our special thanks goes to Fr. Michael Benedict for having provided the full financial support for the ministry of Vocation Apostolate.
We thank once again for all who are praying for us, and supporting us through various ways. May we continue to grow in the spirit of Sint Unum.