12 February 2024
12 Feb 2024

The 14th Provincial Chapter of the Polish Province

33 delegates from Poland, Belarus, Finland and Moldova came to the Chapter's deliberations at the SCJ seminary in Stadniki. The main theme of the Chapter is: the Congregation's charism in the light of the current signs of the times.

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On February 5, 2024, the 14th Provincial Chapter of the Polish Province began. The topic of the present Chapter is: The charism of the Congregation in the face of the current signs of the times.
33 delegates from Poland, Belarus, Finland and Moldova came to the Chapter’s deliberations at the SCJ seminary in Stadniki. The Polish Province also includes these European countries. Bishop Artur Ważny presided over Holy Mass at the opening of the chapter. He also delivered the introductory meditation conference before the deliberations, in which he called the chapter fathers to be open to the Holy Spirit in order to properly experience the time of discernment.

The Chapter is a time to stop and reflect, Jesus calls the Priests of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus to Himself. It evokes this time in order to renew the bond of love, which is to become a space for assessing what is “behind us”, realizing in truth where we are here and now “today” and discerning what is to be the everyday life of Dehonians “tomorrow”.

The following days of the chapter will be filled with common prayer, the Liturgy of the Hours, daily celebration of the Eucharist, meditation, adoration, deliberations, and group work during the morning and afternoon sessions. The main task of the Chapter will be to develop resolutions and guidelines for the next years of the Province’s activity. An important task will also be the election of delegates to the General Chapter, which will take place in June this year. They will take part in the election of a new superior general of the Congregation and his council.

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