02 May 2024
02 May 2024

Bringing the Dehonian charism to the world

On April 24, the North American Dehonian Theological Commission (NADTC) met via Zoom

by  Joseph Mukuna, SCJ

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On April 24, the North American Dehonian Theological Commission (NADTC) met via Zoom; it was their second meeting of the year.  The NADTC meets usually twice a year to discuss collaboration with the International Theological Commission, and on how the Dehonian charism and spirituality can be contextualized in North America and in the world.

Topics discussed at this meeting included: creating a First Friday service, writing reflections on current issues, leading one-hour sessions on Zoom on Dehonian topics, and considering further membership expansion. The commission addressed topics brought up by the North American administrations.

The meeting also welcomed two new members: Fr. Andrzej Sudol, SCJ (US) and Fr. Willyans Prado Rapozo, SCJ (Canada).

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