In the footsteps of Christ

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One Lord, one faith, one God and Father, one Spirit, one baptism: this unites all Christians. Yet the work of the Spirit is varied and multifaceted.

We consider Jesus Christ above all in his “sentiments” (Phil 2:5) of love, kindness, mercy, charity,and gift of love. In short: in the symbol of the heart.

Our Faith Experience

The particularity of our worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the profound and lively union with Jesus Christ (mystical) and the readiness for a sensitive interest in social and political questions.

Union with Jesus Christ guides our vision of life’s daily realities for people and in society. This reality shows us traces of the living God today. We carry life’s realities with us into our daily prayer.

According to  Fr. Dehon’s Faith experience

This spiritual experience was also characteristic of Father Leo Dehon. At the end of the nineteenth century, among the workers in the French industrial environment, Fr. Dehon was driven by an authentic devotion to the heart of Jesus to passionately commit himself to social justice. Availability, the Eucharist, adoration and union with Jesus are still essential elements of the Dehonian family today, as well as social doctrine, education, youth groups, workers and a social commitment.

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Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tel. +39 328 930 5024
Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Priests of the Sacred Heart of JesusGeneralate
Via del Casale san Pio V, 20
00165 Roma, Italia
Tel. +39.06.660.560

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