Dehonian Worldwide

Dehonians in Mozambique: 75 years of presence with an open heart
15 June 2022Sandro Capoferri, scj  

Dehonians in Mozambique: 75 years of presence with an open heart

Dehonians in Mozambique celebrate 75 years of their presence.

An overview of the 102nd Katholikentag at Stuttgart
13 June 2022Brigitte Deiters  

An overview of the 102nd Katholikentag at Stuttgart

Joy of life, openness, credibility and a welcoming attitude.

“Coração Solidário” in Northeastern Brazil
10 June 2022Fernanda Melo  

“Coração Solidário” in Northeastern Brazil

The northeast of Brazil is experiencing days of natural disaster due to heavy rains.

Vocation, a matter of the heart
30 May 2022

Vocation, a matter of the heart

In Poland great joy for the ordination of two priests and three deacons.

A whirlwind tour of the US Province!
26 May 2022Mary Gorsky  

A whirlwind tour of the US Province!

Official visit to the U.S. Entity

A return to South Africa
19 April 2022

A return to South Africa

“In 2023, the Province of South Africa will be celebrating 100 years of the Dehonian presence in southern Africa, as is the US Province. We are still sister provinces.”

Let’us pray for peace
13 March 2022

Let’us pray for peace

The Dehonians in Ukraine and the Dehonians from Poland help and support the people who are living the drama of war between Russia and Ukraine.

Being together and close according to the charism of Fr. Dehon
07 March 2022Slawomir Knopik, scj  

Being together and close according to the charism of Fr. Dehon

The social commitment of many of our communities that have opened their doors to refugees from the Ukraine.

In a Dynamic Fidelity
25 February 2022Ângelo José Adão, scj  

In a Dynamic Fidelity

Assembly of Major Superiors 2022

Illness, Fragility, Community
11 February 2022Comunità dehoniana di Bolognano  

Illness, Fragility, Community

The elderly Dehonians who are in the S. Cuore Residence in Bolognano d'Arco (TN) tell how they live this stage of their lives.

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