Pages of history

When Dehon was also a refugee …
30 March 2022Jakub Bieszczad scj  

When Dehon was also a refugee …

There are over 80 million refugees in the world today. The war in Ukraine shows how this drama grows exponentially. Father Dehon also lived through the tragedy of the war and being a refugee, not without psychological consequences.

The Dehonian Renewal (as Seen by a Young Priest)
21 March 2022Antonio dall'Osto  

The Dehonian Renewal (as Seen by a Young Priest)

That Chapter (1966-1967) was, in my opinion, a new springtime for consecrated life, and for our Institut. It was, as some have said, the beginning of a true and proper re-foundation.

The New Constitutions: the Dutch Perspective
09 March 2022Paul de Vries, scj  

The New Constitutions: the Dutch Perspective

The Dutch province found itself in a stormy period.

The Holy See approves the Congregation and the Constitutions
4 July 2025

The Holy See approves the Congregation and the Constitutions

The Holy See definitively approves the Congregation and the Constitutions for ten years (July 4, 1906)

Day of the foundation of Congregation
28 June 2025

Day of the foundation of Congregation

First profession of Fr. Dehon. The day of the foundation of our Congregation (June 28, 1878).

Anniversary of beatification
11 March 2021

Anniversary of beatification

20th anniversary of beatification

The man of renewal
02 March 2021

The man of renewal

Biography of Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj
January 30, 1921 - November 21, 1992

Decretum Laudis
25 February 2025

Decretum Laudis

Historical memory

Joint letter from the ITS and ITM Provincials
21 December 2020Enzo Brena, scj e Ciro Moschetta, scj  

Joint letter from the ITS and ITM Provincials

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the ITS Province, Fr. Enzo Brena and Fr. Ciro Moschetta, wrote a letter. We publish an excerpt.

Definitive approval of the Constitutions
5 December 2024

Definitive approval of the Constitutions

Historical memory

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