03 March 2025
03 Mar 2025

50 Years of Religious Life: All Because of God’s Faithful Love

On 30 January 2025, Father Antonius Yuswita SCJ (77) and Father Yulianus Puryanto SCJ (75), both members of the Province of Indonesia, celebrated their golden jubilee of religious life.

by  C. Wahyu Tri Haryadi SCJ - Andreas Gatot SCJ

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On 30 January 2025, Father Antonius Yuswita SCJ (77) and Father Yulianus Puryanto SCJ (75), both members of the Province of Indonesia, celebrated their golden jubilee of religious life. They both took their first vows in Yogyakarta on 30 January 1975.

These two SCJ priests have dedicated most of their time to parish ministry. Besides serving in various parishes, Fr. Yuswita was the Provincial Superior of the Indonesian Province from 1994 to 1998 and was entrusted as the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Palembang. Now, he currently resides at the SCJ House in Cipinang, Jakarta, devoting his time to spiritual ministry for various religious groups around Jakarta.

Meanwhile, Fr. Puryanto resides at the Gembala Baik Monastery in Gisting. Due to an accident, he is no longer actively involved in pastoral ministry. However, his physical condition does not diminish his spirit and enthusiasm in daily life and the apostolate of prayer. We met up with them for an interview.

How do you express gratitude for 50 years of religious life?

Fr. Puryanto (P): I first celebrated with the SCJ community at Gembala Baik Monastery in Gisting on February 4, 2025. On this occasion, I specifically invited our religious brothers to join in thanksgiving for the gift of religious life. They have always reminded us, the clergy, of the true meaning of religious life. During this celebration, I offered the Eucharist and thanksgiving, attended by my family members, the superior Provincial Rev. Fr. Andreas Suparman, Bishop Emeritus Aloysius Sudarso SCJ, and Archbishop Yohanes Harun. Additionally, I celebrated with the community of children with disabilities managed by the Alma Sisters in Parung on February 11.

Fr. Yuswita (Y): I am grateful for this event. On January 31, 2025, I celebrated the Eucharist with my family in Semarang. On February 10, I also celebrated with the SCJ community in the Jakarta region at St. Anthony Church, Bidaracina, inviting several fellow religious.

What challenges have you faced in living out your religious vocation?

P: I must admit that my religious vocation has been a winding journey. My formation process was different from the current stages. At that time, the foundation of religious life was built while simultaneously studying in Yogyakarta. Unlike today, there were not many conferences provided by formators. Nevertheless, I believe that God has always played a role in shaping my life. My experiences in the community and the challenges of pastoral services have become my formation, enabling me to reach 50 years of religious life.

Y: Living out the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience for fifty years has not been without challenges. I realized that to win the race in religious life, I had to master myself, understand my weaknesses, and recognize my real source of strength. Through reflection and prayer, I found God, who has his faithfulness, is always present, guiding me in difficult times. Faithfulness is not only about great matters but also about small things. The Gospel reminds us, “If you are not faithful in small things, how can you be faithful in greater ones?” Therefore, I continue striving to remain faithful to my vows to God through the SCJ Congregation despite various challenges, temptations, and personal weaknesses.

What lessons can we learn from your experience of religious life?

P: My journey began with assignments in the parish of Kabar Gembira, Kotabumi, in the Diocese of Tanjung Karang, during my early years of priesthood. Later, I spent a long time serving in the Archdiocese of Jakarta at St. Anthony Parish, Bidaracina, and St. Barnabas Parish, Pamulang, carrying various responsibilities entrusted to me by the Cardinal and the Bishop. I was also assigned to work in St. Joseph Parish, St. Theresia Parish in Jambi, and the Sacred Heart Parish in the Archdiocese of Palembang, with a special mission to organize the parishes where I was stationed.

I realized that I was far from perfect in my duties, and perhaps I did not spend enough time in prayer. Eventually, I experienced a literal fall—an accident that affected my legs, which may have led me to have more time for praying. However, life is not about how many times we fall but about how we learn from each experience. And I believe that God is involved in every aspect of our lives.

Y: For me, religious life is like a burning candle, bringing light wherever it goes. A candle that has been burning for fifty years may have thinned, but it must continue to shine until the very end. My life is an offering to God, as expressed in St. Ignatius’ prayer: “Take, Lord, my liberty, my will, my memory, everything I have. Only Your grace do I seek.”

However, just as a candle’s flame sometimes flickers in the wind, so is the journey of religious life—full of ups and downs in perseverance and faithfulness. Yet, like an athlete striving for the crown of victory, I continue to endure to the end, believing that after this candle burns out in this world, an eternal crown awaits in heaven.

Jesus said (Mark 4:21), “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a basket or a bed? Is it not to be set on a lampstand?” I reflect that the light one receives must be shared with others, not hidden or left to dim. My journey in religious life reflects this verse. I decided to put myself on a lampstand, becoming a light for many through sacrifice and service. Faithfulness in religious life is not only for oneself but also serves as an inspiration for many in the community. Like a candle that continues to burn, I do not keep this light for myself but allow it to illuminate others.

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