12 June 2024
12 Jun 2024

A world in transformation

For some time now we have been navigating new waters with different conceptions of the world, the human, the being, intelligence, work, spirituality, politics, faith and religion. In such a world, what is our role as Dehonians?

by  Manuel Antonio Teixeira, SCJ

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Cosmology, metaphysics, epistemology, were tools that helped to understand reality with a certain degree of verisimilitude. For some time now we have been navigating new seas with different conceptions of the world, the human being, intelligence, work, spirituality, politics, faith and religion. We are not only witnessing a technological modernization, but a cultural, linguistic, anthropological, social and political mutation. Thought patterns and concepts have been transformed. In such a world, what is our role as Dehonians?

Note: This article comes from the continental theological commissions of the Congregation in preparation for the 25th General Chapter. The article is available in ES.

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