23 March 2023
23 Mar 2023

Almost living Easter… with eyes on WYD

Almost living Easter… with eyes on WYD
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“Faith is not limited to providing some information about the identity of Christ, but presupposes a personal relationship with Him”



The theme of the 2011 WYD held in Madrid, Spain was: “Rooted and built up in Him… firm in the faith”. About 2 million young people celebrate and pray with Benedict XVI. At the Cuatro Vientos air base, the Pope says: “Yes, dear friends, God loves us. This is the great truth of our life and it gives meaning to everything else. We are not the result of chance or irrationality, but, at the origin of our existence, there is a project of God’s love. Thus, remaining in his love means living rooted in faith, because this is not the simple acceptance of some abstract truths, but an intimate relationship with Christ that leads us to open our hearts to this mystery of love and to live as people who know are loved by God.”

(Vatican News, 2019)


Few days until Easter. Make a cross with the material you find most appropriate and place it next to the candle and the vase and continue to water your seeds. In this challenge, make a photo of how your cross turned out, and send it to our instagram or facebook.

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