21 June 2023
21 Jun 2023

An Extraordinary Formative Experience

An Extraordinary Formative Experience
The conclusion of a stage does not at all mark the end of the journey undertaken; on the contrary, it simply represents a moment of transition that opens doors to new perspectives and opportunities.
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With great emotion, we come to the conclusion of our journey in the Dehonian Studies Scholarship (BSD) project, promoted by the Dehonian Studies Center (CSD). During these two years of intense formation, we had the opportunity to live an extraordinary experience that has left a deep imprint on our lives.

Since our official entry into the project on 4 October 2021, we have dedicated ourselves with commitment and passion to the in-depth study of Dehonian history and charism. Through the sharing of our research results and active participation in CSD activities, we have fully immersed ourselves in this wealth of knowledge. This period has been not only extremely enriching but also significant for our personal and spiritual formation.

What makes this experience unique compared to a traditional academic course are the diverse opportunities that have been offered to us. We have participated in numerous seminars, workshops, gatherings, conferences, and courses, enriching our education with different approaches and new perspectives. But more importantly, these experiences have been lived with an authentic spirit of dialogue and collegiality. We have learned not only from academic teachings but also from the exchange and sharing of experiences with our fellow companions.

One particularly significant aspect of this experience has been the opportunity to live in an international community. Residing in Rome II has offered us the incredible opportunity to meet and share life with brothers from around the world. This intercultural exchange has greatly enriched our journey. We have been able to learn about different ecclesial and congregational realities, sharing their challenges, hopes, and perspectives. This international openness has expanded our horizons and granted us a broader and more inclusive vision of the Dehonian charism.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to the General Government, the Dehonian Studies Center, and all the individuals involved who have accompanied us on this educational journey. Their support and guidance have been fundamental to our learning and growth. Living in Rome and having the opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in the study of Father Dehon and our Congregation has been an extraordinary experience that has significantly enriched our lives.

We look forward to the future with enthusiasm, aware that the fruits of this experience will continue to grow and nourish our Dehonian life and commitment.

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