05 October 2022
05 Oct 2022

Being a Samaritan community

The International College of Rome community has begun the new academic year. The new confreres come mostly from Asia. The commitment of all is to live the Gospel example of the Good Samaritan in communion, participation and mission.

by  Nilson Helmann, scj

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On Sept. 22, the day on which the memory of Blessed Juan Maria de la Cruz is liturgically celebrated, the Dehonian religious community of the Generalate inaugurated the 2022/2023 academic year. The newly arrived confreres mostly come from the Asian continent, joining other students, collaborators and members of the General Curia. Each religious brings as a gift to this community the richness of the congregation, the plurality that becomes unity in the Heart of Jesus.

As in previous years, the first week of this new academic year was dedicated to planning and preparing the community life project. The first meeting was dedicated to welcoming the new confreres. For this, the traditions and services to be carried out were presented, with a view to co-responsibility.

In the following days, the biblical icon of the Good Samaritan was deepened. Fr. Eduardo Pugliesi (BSP) highlighted good liturgical practices while Fr. Riccardo Regonesi (ITS), a member of the Cristo Re community in Rome, spoke to us about social commitment and pastoral sensitivity.

Another significant moment of this week of planning was the community retreat held on Sept. 27-29. The retreat was led by Sister Rosi Capitanio, FSCJ. The community experienced this moment of grace by meditating together on the parables of the Kingdom (Mt 13:1- 46). These invited us to open ourselves to God’s surprises, in self-knowledge, self-mastery and self-giving, Sister Rosi motivated us to recognize the power of tenderness, as well as the need to allow ourselves to be inwardly transformed. According to Sister Rosi, “Like the yeast that leavens the dough, so is God’s love: a love that makes us grow. God’s passion is to make us grow, is to make us become.”

The community has set the goal for this year: “to live as a Samaritan community called to become close and to promote communion, participation and mission.”

With the Eucharistic celebration on Oct. 1, the community concluded the week of planning by thanking God for this new year and asking for the lights of the Spirit to carry forward what was decided together.

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