14 October 2024
14 Oct 2024

Celebrating 50 years of novitiate

In 1974, 24 young men began their novitiate year in Brazil under the guidance of the novice master, Father Aloísio Sebastião Boeing. 15 of these former novices met again 50 years later to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their novitiate.

by  Léo Heck, scj

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In 1974, 24 young men began their novitiate year in Brazil under the guidance of the novice master, Father Aloísio Sebastião Boeing. They all reached the end of this cycle and pronounced their first vows in the hands of the Superior General, Father Albert Bourgeois, SCJ, on the 2nd February 1975. That same year, on the 2nd of August, Father Aloísio founded the Fraternité Mariale du Cœur de Jésus. The novitiate year left deep traces in the lives of each of the participants.

Different paths

On their way to priesthood, some discerned that this was not their vocation and went in other directions, starting families. However, 17 persevered and were ordained priests, although three of them later left the ministry to start families. Four of these companions have already left for eternity.

Over the years, some have maintained closer links, visiting each other periodically, while others have remained present in memories and prayers. In February 2000, ten religious celebrated 25 years of religious profession together at Nereu Ramos, with Father Aloísio. There were 13 of us in all: Father Dimas and two of our married colleagues also joined in the celebrations.

Novices 74

As the 50th anniversary of the Marian Fraternity of the Heart of Jesus approached, the idea arose to bring together as many novices as possible from 1974 to celebrate this special date. And so the Novices 74 Group was born. Little by little, the idea took shape, and a date and a structure were defined for the event. We managed to bring together 10 priests and 5 married men, three of whom were accompanied by their wives, making a total of 18 participants.

Some activities

The meeting took place from 23 to 25 September 2024 at the Casa Shalom de Nereu Ramos, next to the tomb of the Venerable Father Aloísio. We celebrated Masses in the chapel of the Espace Père Aloísio and at the Novitiate of Our Lady of Fatima in Jaraguá do Sul. We also visited the Sacred Heart seminary in Corupá, the ESIC in Curitiba, the Rio Negrinho seminary, the parish of Barra do Rio Cerro in Jaraguá do Sul, and the shrines of Saint Rita and Saint Jude in Curitiba. Each of these places evoked grateful memories and recollections, but it was undoubtedly at the novitiate and beside the sarcophagus of the venerable Father Aloísio that the emotions were most intense.

We are immensely grateful to God and to the Congregation of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for having granted us this grace. As friends, lay people, religious and Dehonian priests, we recognise that we are united by the same ideal of love and reparation for Father Leo Dehon.

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