Celebration of Fr. Dehon’s Birth Anniversary in Cagayan de Oro
Each year, the Birth Anniversary of Fr. Leo Dehon is remembered and celebrated by the entire Dehonian Family around the world. March 14 is also a special day of prayers for new vocations to the priesthood and religious life, especially to the congregation. On this day, all the SCJs and all lay associates, inspired by the life and works of Fr. Dehon, gather together to reflect on the charism of their founder, which they consider as a special gift from God to the Church.
As usual, the Sacred Heart Formation House in Cagayan de Oro City, together with members of the Lay Dehonians and Dehonian Youth, joined this worldwide celebration. During
the Holy Eucharist, Fr. Aloiso Back, the main celebrant and homilist, presented the life and vocation of Fr. Dehon, from his birth until his ordination to the priesthood, giving some very interesting facts and details. After the Communion, new members of the Dehonian Youth made their pledge to live by the values lived and preached by Fr. Dehon, while the older members renewed their act of commitment to these values.
Besides the members of the Dehonian Family, the celebration was attended by all the SCJs from the neighbor communities, friends and benefactors. The celebration was culminated with the common super prepared by the formation community.