16 July 2021
16 Jul 2021

Centenary of the birth of Fr. Albert Bourgeois

Centenary of the birth of Fr.  Albert Bourgeois
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31 January 2022Hernan Leemrijse, scj  

Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj – the second founder of the Congregation

Father Albert Bourgeois emerged as one who helped the congregation to slow down and enter into a time of deeper self-reflection.

26 November 2021

Dehonian Memorial Day

We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Fr. Albert Bourgeois, the 40th anniversary of the approval of the new Constitutions and the 50 years of activity of the Dehonian Studies Centre.

04 October 2021Angelo Arrighini scj  

The Dehonian Congregation in the Mission of the Church

One of the privileged ways to understand the state of the mind of a superior general is undoubtedly through his letters. Understand Fr. Bourgeois through his circular letters.

30 July 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

Our Deuteronom

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

23 July 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

Our Spiritual Life (VI)

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

16 July 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

Our Spiritual Life (V)

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

09 July 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

Our Spiritual Life (IV)

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

02 July 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

Our Spiritual Life (III)

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

25 June 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

According to the Founder’s Charism (II)

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

18 June 2021Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj  

Rereading the Constitutions (I)

A series of presentations of the "Reading Guide" to the Constitutions, written by Fr. Albert Bourgeois.

02 March 2021

The man of renewal

Biography of Fr. Albert Bourgeois, scj
January 30, 1921 - November 21, 1992

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