18 May 2022
18 May 2022

Changes at the Centro Studi Dehoniani

Changes at the Centro Studi Dehoniani
Fr. Stefan Tertünte leaves Rome to assume the post of provincial superior of the German Province. Fr. Victor de Oliveira Barbosa (BSP) is appointed as the new co-ordinator of the CSD.
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With his appointment as provincial superior of the German province, Fr. Stefan Tertünte from June 1 will no longer be Director of the Center for Dehonian Studies. In an email addressed to the confreres he writes: “The General Government has just announced changes affecting the Dehonian Study Center. I, myself, will leave Rome on Tuesday, 17.05., and will return to Germany where I will carry out the office of provincial superior. With this I also leave the direction of the Dehonian Study Center after more than eight years.” In taking leave of this important office, he informs that the new co-ordinator of the CSD will be Fr. Victor de Oliveira Barbosa (BSP).

During these years, Fr. Stefan together with the CSD Team has been very involved in putting Fr. Dehon’s writings online so that everyone can have access to Dehonian sources, in Dehonian formation, in creating scholarships for the confreres. He has dedicated himself a lot and in different many ways, to the Dehonian identity, through critical work and making use of different expertise.

Now is the turn of Fr. Victor new co-ordinator together with the Team to continue and develop this difficult but challenging work on the Dehonian charism. In addressing the confreres, friends and collaborators this is how he introduces himself: “With joy I take on the task entrusted to me by the General Government because I passionately believe in the importance and value of the mission of the CSD. I count on your prayers so that I can carry out the coordination service of the CSD in the best possible way.”

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