Crisis that empowers the Church
Next year's Synod of Bishops in Rome has been transformed for the first time, thanks to Pope Francis, into a process of consultation of the entire People of God.
The Church is communion, fraternity; which is much more than democracy and is in function of the mission.
Refugee Church: Report 2022 on internally displaced persons and refugees
'Open Doors' released a report on the persecution of Christians around the world.
Living synodality within consecrated life
The meeting was attended by 700 superiors general from various nations around the world. The hope was to experience a privileged space to listen, to search together with the Holy Spirit and to dialogue on how to contribute to the synodal process in the Church.
Ukrainian Orthodoxy: out of Moscow
After more than three centuries of dependence on the Moscow Patriarchate, even the pro-Russian Ukrainian Orthodox Church has decided to cut its relations with the Russian Patriarchate completely off.
Latin America: religious and social transformation
From February 2-4, the Justice Coalition of Religious launches a educational campaign in Latin America.
Persecutions and Christianophobia
5,898 dead, of 5,110 churches destroyed, of 6,175 prisoners. There are 360 million Christians at risk
Religious men and women of France react to sexual abuse in the French Church
300 major superiors from France gathered in Lourdes in an atmosphere of penitence and reflection on the abuses in the French Church. Today, religious life in France is still vital.
The Church of God is convoked in Synod: A dialogue with Myriam Wijlens
An interview with Myriam Wijlens, Dutch theologian and professor of canon law at the University of Erfurt (Germany). Pope Francis appointed Myriam Wijlens as a "consultor" to the Vatican Synod of Bishops.
Dehonians on the road with the Church
Dehonians are into the ‘synodal journey’ proclaimed by Pope Francis. An scj international team has been created.
The church and social justice
An encounter, with an ecumenical focus and the Church's commitment to social justice, between Fratelli tutti of Pope Francis and Per la vita del mondo, towards a social ethos of the Orthodox Church, signed by Patriarch Bartholomew in 2020.
J.G. Hernández: the Venezuelan ideal in an ideal Venezuelan
On April 30, 2021, Venezuelan physician G. Hernández was beatified. His life was and still remains important for Venezuelans of yesterday and today. But not only that.