Dehonian Studies

Sint Unum & Reparation   
31 May 2024Dominic Loc SCJ  

Sint Unum & Reparation   

For Fr. Dehon, communion with God was the ultimate goal of his life. But it was realized in the struggle against injustice and in social commitment.

Sint unum: chimera or reality?
21 May 2024Nicolas Nkeronki Mbemi, Scj  

Sint unum: chimera or reality?

We cannot think about social life without a reference to the notion of unity. It is in this light that this reflection is situated, which aims to rethink community life , from the African perspective.

Dehonian Communion
17 May 2024Candido S. Bayron, SCJ  

Dehonian Communion

The Dehonians, following the founder’s footsteps, are called to have a personal experience of the Heart of Christ. This as well grounds their communion with the community of brethren and with the whole creation

The General Chapters, ferments of growth of a Dehonian conscience in Africa
10 May 2024Joseph Kuate, SCJ  

The General Chapters, ferments of growth of a Dehonian conscience in Africa

In preparation of the 25th General Chapter, we asked some Dehonians to write reflections. Fr. Joseph Kuate proposes an article on the reception of 'Sint Unum' in the African context.

Transformation or refiguration?
06 May 2024The North American Dehonian Theological Commission  

Transformation or refiguration?

In preparation for the XXV general chapter, the North American Dehonian Theological Commission critiques the concept "transformation" as the goal of the next general chapter. Here it explains the reasons why.

XXV General Chapter: openings to theology
26 April 2024Juan José Arnaiz Ecker, SCJ  

XXV General Chapter: openings to theology

In preparation for the XXV General Chapter, we asked some Dehonians to write reflections . Fr. Juan José Arnaiz Ecker reflects on the theme of "transformation"

An Extraordinary Formative Experience
21 June 2023

An Extraordinary Formative Experience

The conclusion of a stage does not at all mark the end of the journey undertaken.

Dehonian formation in India
05 June 2023Parfait-Brice Mongo, scj  

Dehonian formation in India

Fr. Parfait, of the Dehonian Studies Center, reports on his formation experience in India.

Theological seminar in Madrid: an invitation open to all
28 April 2023Stefan Tertünte, scj  

Theological seminar in Madrid: an invitation open to all

Fr. Stefan Tertünte introduces the Dehonian Theological Seminar which will take place in Madrid from May 7-11, 2023. The theme of the seminar is "Towards an Economy for All. Inclusive, sustainable, just."

A journey to our missionary roots: internship work in the RDC Province
30 March 2023Emerson Marcelo Ruiz, scj  

A journey to our missionary roots: internship work in the RDC Province

"In the context of the Dehonian Scholarship program (BSD 2021-2023), I was sent for formative work in the RDC Province."

Father Dehon to young and confreres in formation
17 March 2023Nilson Helmann, scj  

Father Dehon to young and confreres in formation

Father Nilson Helmann spoke about Father Dehon to young and confreres in formation.

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