20 March 2025
20 Mar 2025

Dehonian Jubilee Logo

Presentation of the Dehonian Jubilee Logo

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The concept of the Dehonian Jubilee Logo came from the attempt to unite both special dates – the 100th anniversary of death of Father Leon Dehon and the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation – then, it presents the quote of Fr. Dehon that relates to both aspects: “For Him I live: Christ lives in me”. This is also the slogan of the Dehonian Jubilee. In addition, the logo features an illustration of Father Dehon and his signature below the quote. Behind the quote, the Dehonian cross, symbol of the Congregation, appears in gold, representing the Jubilee time. Below, the dates of the Dehonian Jubille, 2024-2028.

The author’s name is Maria Eduarda Oliveira Batista. She is a young woman who is graduated in Design and who lives next to a parish and a noviciate that are kept by the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Jaraguá do Sul, south of Brazil. Because of that, she gets to actively participate in various events and activities of the BRM Province and therefore she is very familiar to the Dehonian spirituality and charisma.

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