Dehonian Memorial Day 2024

With open heart » 26 November 2024
Dehonian Memorial Day 2024
Vigil on Dehonian Memorial Day (11.26.2024)
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To make memory. To remember. To commemorate. To resonate. All these verbs are conjugated with the heart. Love is present in them. All this and much more is what we celebrate in our “Dehonian Memorial Day”. Every year, at the end of November, the month dedicated to the memory of our loved ones who are no longer with us, we celebrate the life, passion, and dedication of so many Dehonians who, out of love, have offered their lives to the Heart of Jesus. For us and for many, they are witnesses who became “Prophets of Love” and “Servants of Reconciliation”. By their example, these witnesses, our brothers, desired to be followers of the only Master for whom it is worth giving everything, even life itself, following in the footsteps of Father Leo John Dehon. Our Founder wanted to be a missionary and a martyr, but above all, he chose to be a disciple of the Heart of Jesus, loving until the end. And so, he became an example for all of us, Dehonians. Today we want to celebrate life, remembering so many witnesses who have shown us first of all the love of Him who is One, All, and True; the love of our God.

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