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“Vacation from war”. Summer camp for children during vacation in Irpin.
08 July 2022Brigittte Deiters  

“Vacation from war”. Summer camp for children during vacation in Irpin.

German Province committed to helping Dehonians in Ukraine.

Father General makes a visit to Dehonians of Moldova
06 July 2022Artur Sanecki, scj  

Father General makes a visit to Dehonians of Moldova

The visit was a sign of closeness and support to the Dehonian fathers.

‘Il Nostro Frutto’ 2022: Listen to the Spirit of God, listening to each other!
04 July 2022Bruno Pilati, scj  

‘Il Nostro Frutto’ 2022: Listen to the Spirit of God, listening to each other!

The community of the Generalate shares some important moments of community and academic life 2021/2022.

Martti Savijoki, SCJ was ordained a priest
01 July 2022Emil Anton  

Martti Savijoki, SCJ was ordained a priest

Martti Savijoki, SCJ, of Pentecostal background, was ordained to the priesthood at St. Mary's Church in Helsinki on Saturday, June 11, 2022.

Visit of the Superior General and the Vicar General to the Canadian SCJ confreres
27 June 2022

Visit of the Superior General and the Vicar General to the Canadian SCJ confreres

The confreres were highly appreciative of their availability and their ability to listen.

Fr. Gilbert Kamta Tatsi appointed Superior of the International College of Rome
21 June 2022

Fr. Gilbert Kamta Tatsi appointed Superior of the International College of Rome

Fr. Gilbert is the first African confrere to lead the International College of Rome community.

Vietnam district appointments
21 June 2022

Vietnam district appointments

Fr. Francis Xavier Tran Duc Thai new District Superior in Vietnam.

Dehonian Family on Pilgrimage to Fátima
17 June 2022Zeferino Policarpo, scj  

Dehonian Family on Pilgrimage to Fátima

The Dehonian Family in Portugal made its annual pilgrimage to Fátima.

Dehonians in Mozambique: 75 years of presence with an open heart
15 June 2022Sandro Capoferri, scj  

Dehonians in Mozambique: 75 years of presence with an open heart

Dehonians in Mozambique celebrate 75 years of their presence.

An overview of the 102nd Katholikentag at Stuttgart
13 June 2022Brigitte Deiters  

An overview of the 102nd Katholikentag at Stuttgart

Joy of life, openness, credibility and a welcoming attitude.

“Coração Solidário” in Northeastern Brazil
10 June 2022Fernanda Melo  

“Coração Solidário” in Northeastern Brazil

The northeast of Brazil is experiencing days of natural disaster due to heavy rains.

Vocation, a matter of the heart
30 May 2022

Vocation, a matter of the heart

In Poland great joy for the ordination of two priests and three deacons.

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