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16 Jul 2021


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Dehonian Virtual Mission in Argentina and Uruguay
10 December 2020Marcelo Reynoso, scj  

Dehonian Virtual Mission in Argentina and Uruguay

Proclaiming the joy of the Gospel and bringing a message of encouragement and hope: the first Virtual Mission.

Virtual Assembly
03 December 2020Mary Gorsky  

Virtual Assembly

Approximately 40 people took part in the virtual assembly.

From the last corner of the world
19 November 2020Julián Braun, scj  

From the last corner of the world

Social and political overview of the current situation in Chile.

Responding responsibly to Startling situation
28 October 2020Tinu Thomas Padapurakkal, scj  

Responding responsibly to Startling situation

Brief writing on the Asian region.

Covid-19 in South Africa: How the International House of Formation in Pietermaritzburg is organized
21 October 2020Pola Magloire Alain, scj  

Covid-19 in South Africa: How the International House of Formation in Pietermaritzburg is organized

The most affected country in Africa since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic is South Africa.

What social initiatives have we had as Dehonians in this time of pandemic?
30 September 2020Félix Blanco, scj  

What social initiatives have we had as Dehonians in this time of pandemic?

Solidarity in times of pandemic.

A Ministry of Service
23 September 2020Henry Nguyen  

A Ministry of Service

A social experience in the United States at the time of the pandemic.

Missionaries Preparing Via ZOOM
21 September 2020Diego Diaz, scj  

Missionaries Preparing Via ZOOM

The pandemic does not stop the formation and missionary projects.

Covid-19 and Dehonian Spirituality
16 September 2020Antonio Dall'Osto, scj  

Covid-19 and Dehonian Spirituality

The world has been experiencing a corona virus crisis for several months. As a Dehonian family, we are called to a profound inner change.

Faith at the table
14 September 2020Brigitte Deiters  

Faith at the table

In this time of pandemic, an original Dehonian experience from Neustadt in Germany

Diaspora seminary is not new normal but going back to early Christian life
09 September 2020Christian Hofer Samosir, scj  

Diaspora seminary is not new normal but going back to early Christian life

Minor seminary in  Indonesia introduces Diaspora seminary life

Our Dehonian life
04 June 2020Levi Ferrei  

Our Dehonian life

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