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Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 3|4

Year Three: The path of faith of fr. Dehon
"They will look on the one whom they have pierced" (John 19.37)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 2|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 2|4

Year Two: Encountering Jesus with fr. Dehon.
"He loved me and gave Himself up for me" (Gal 2.20)

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4
24 November 2021

Spiritual Path Lay Dehonians 1|4

Year One: Becoming acquainted with dehonian life
“Come and see” (John 1.39)

Instrumentum Laboris
26 October 2021

Instrumentum Laboris

The impact of God’s love for our Society.
IX General Conference

Show us, O Lord, the way to follow
03 June 2021

Show us, O Lord, the way to follow

Letter for the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
June 11, 2021

08 March 2021


Letter for March 14,
on the anniversary of the birth of Fr. Leo John Dehon.

“While he was considering these things” (Mt 1:20)
08 December 2020

“While he was considering these things” (Mt 1:20)

Letter for Christmas 2020

Fratelli tutti
04 October 2020

Fratelli tutti

Letter from Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, on the occasion of the publication of "Fratelli tutti".

 Disciples and servants of fraternity
21 July 2020

 Disciples and servants of fraternity

Theological Seminar SCJ, Final message

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