22 April 2024
22 Apr 2024

Eight new priests in Cameroon

Saturday April 13, 2024 was a day of celebration and joy for the entire Congregation, and especially for the Cameroon Province, with the ordination to the presbyterate of eight confrere members of this Province.

by  Louis Paul Ngassam, scj

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The ordination to the priesthood of deacons Alain Magloire Pola Magoua,scj , Desmond Kang,scj , Evaris Carlos Tsafack,scj , Fabrice Ulrich Mukam,scj , Ghislain Atonfeu Kejemto,scj , Idriss Duhamel Fotie,scj , Jude Lukong Berinyuy, scj and Romeo Ngnintedem,scj took place at the Sacré-Coeur parish in Ndiandam, in the diocese of Bafoussam, with the imposition of hands by the diocesan ordinary, His Excellency Mgr Paul Lontsie-Keune.

To the new priests

In his homily, the bishop called on the newly ordained priests not to be afraid to preach the truth of the Gospel on morality and virtue wherever Christ sends them, insisting on the unchanged doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church on Christian marriage. In his speech, he also exhorted those to be ordained to take time out in the confessional to listen to Christians and grant them the sacrament of reconciliation, a sign of God’s love and mercy; to dedicate time to celebrating the mystery of the Eucharist, that great sacrifice for which they are ordained.

Gift and availability

The Bishop also invited the parents of the new priests, as well as other Christians, not to seek to take back what they have given to God. In the same perspective, the Provincial Superior of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, Father Alban Pascal Noudjom Tchana, scj, during his address reminded the new priests of the meaning of mission in the Congregation and of their availability to respond to the call to go everywhere to announce the Good News.

Massive participation by friends and family

The celebration of these ordinations saw the participation of family members, friends and confreres from all corners of the national triangle, as well as from abroad, such as our confreres who had come from Chad to take part in the event. Many of them also followed the great event live through the broadcast that was made on our social networks via our Facebook and YouTube pages.

Next ordination

The next appointment has been scheduled for April 27, 2024 at Saint Martin de Porres Parish in Ndu in the diocese of Kumbo. This will be the priestly ordination of Deacon Charles Tata. The event will be broadcast live on our Youtube page.

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