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Father Dehon’s desire to establish the Reign of the Sacred Heart in souls and societies continues in our day through our work of evangelization. We want people to feel the great love God has for them, shown in the ways we serve.

Christ reached out to overlooked and excluded people. He saw talents and gifts others did not see, and he called disciples from that periphery. His way was to reach out, to heal, to comfort, to forgive, and to evangelize.

His way must be our way.


“Gifted to give”: 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines
21 June 2021Sergio Matumoto, scj  

“Gifted to give”: 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines

Christians in the Philippines celebrate 500 years of evangelization.

Fr. Zezinho SCJ Birthday Livestream
8 June 2021

Fr. Zezinho SCJ Birthday Livestream

On June 08, 2021, Father Zezinho SCJ will complete 80 years of age.

World Youth Day – 2023 Lisbon
13 May 2021Zeferino Policarpo  

World Youth Day – 2023 Lisbon

In 2023 the World Youth Day will be celebrated in Portugal.

Heart to Heart conversations
19 April 2021Mary Gorski  

Heart to Heart conversations

What does it mean to have a “heart to heart” conversation? For many, it refers to a sense of truth and openness in dialogue with another; a raw honesty often based in one’s faith or spirituality.

Happy Easter!
03 April 2021

Happy Easter!

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Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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Tel. +39 328 930 5024
Dehonians | Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Priests of the Sacred Heart of JesusGeneralate
Via del Casale san Pio V, 20
00165 Roma, Italia
Tel. +39.06.660.560

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