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Father Dehon’s desire to establish the Reign of the Sacred Heart in souls and societies continues in our day through our work of evangelization. We want people to feel the great love God has for them, shown in the ways we serve.

Christ reached out to overlooked and excluded people. He saw talents and gifts others did not see, and he called disciples from that periphery. His way was to reach out, to heal, to comfort, to forgive, and to evangelize.

His way must be our way.


Ed Kilianski, scj #USA
20 February 2021

Ed Kilianski, scj #USA

Erik Varden, the young and happy Norwegian bishop
10 February 2021Damião Pereira da Silva, scj  

Erik Varden, the young and happy Norwegian bishop

Young Bishop Erik Varden visits the Generalate to strengthen the bond with the Congregation.

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