XVI Provincial Chapter, Dehonians BRE
Last February was a remarkable month for the BRE Province. The religious there took part in the XVI Provincial Chapter, which was held in the provincialate.
Preparation for the XXV General Chapter
The second session of the Chapter Assembly of the Dehonians of APU (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay) was held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) from January 29 to February 2, 2024.
The 14th Provincial Chapter of the Polish Province
33 delegates from Poland, Belarus, Finland and Moldova came to the Chapter's deliberations at the SCJ seminary in Stadniki. The main theme of the Chapter is: the Congregation's charism in the light of the current signs of the times.
Called to be One in a Transforming World
5th Indian District Chapter, 15-18 January, 2024
6th CMR Provincial Chapter, a synodal moment
The Cameroonian Province held its 6th Provincial Chapter in two sessions, the first in July 2023 and the second in early January this year. A true moment of province celebration, in the presence of Father Charles Aimée Koudjou, General Councilor.
Regional Assembly of Venezuela, new paths in the Spirit
The Regional Assembly was held at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Jarillo from January 8th to 11th.
The Dehonian Family and its future
Meeting of the Dehonian Family. Rome, December 9-12, 2023
The provincial chapter in Germany in sinodal style
From January 2-6, the 18th Provincial Chapter of the German province was held in Neustadt in assembly style.
100 years SCJ Presence in South Africa
Centenary Celebration with the Motto “Looking into the future with hope”.
Provincial Chapter of the SCJ in Portugal
The SCJ Portuguese Province held its XV Provincial Chapter from November 22 to 30, 2023, in Alfragide (Lisbon).
Meeting of the Secretaries from our SCJ entities
From November 6 to 13, 2023, SCJ secretaries from Africa, India and Vietnam met in Rome. These various secretaries left the meeting with a sense of satisfaction for the exchange and training they received.
Dehonians of Portugal gathered in Chapter
The Portuguese Province is now celebrating its 15th Provincial Chapter. The Chapter is attended by 27 religious.