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Looking ahead without regrets
11 October 2021Sergio Rotasperti, scj  

Looking ahead without regrets

The meeting of the Major Superiors of Europe has begun in Krakow.

The 77th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Martino Capelli, scj
01 October 2021

The 77th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Martino Capelli, scj

77 years ago, on 1st October 1944, Fr. Capelli was killed by German Nazis.

Final vows in Mozambique
03 September 2021

Final vows in Mozambique

Pandemic time, closed churches, calamity time... this is the time in which we live. However, all of this didn’t stop the journey of three young dehonians in Mozambique

Priestly ordination in Angola
14 August 2021

Priestly ordination in Angola

On 14 August, Deacon Felizberto Juliana Dumbo, SCJ will be ordained a priest in Viana, Angola.

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