Father Fransiskus Xaverius Heru Atmaja was born on September 7, 1953 and was 67 years old. He took his first vows on January 30, 1977 and was ordained priest on July 10, 1980.
He was currently living in Pekanbaru, Riau (Indonesia). He belonged to the Province INA.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing (Ps 23:1)
Fransiskus Xaverius Heru Atmaja SCJ from Indonesia province passed away on 14.12.2020 due to coronavirus. He was 67 years old and had been living in Pekanbaru, Riau (Indonesia). The unexpected death of Fr. Heru was a shock to everyone.
He was born on September 7, 1953, in Yogyakarta. His first Vows were on January 30, 1977, in SCJ Yogyakarta Scholasticate and the perpetual vow was in St. Paulus Seminary Palembang on January 25, 1980. He was ordained by the imposition of Mgr. Andreas Henrisoesanta SCJ, on July 10, 1980, in Kotagajah, Lampung. Fr. Fransiskus Xaverius Heru Atmaja SCJ had been part of Indonesian domestic mission to the diocese of Padang.
Fransiskus Xaverius Heru Atmaja SCJ had done his Licentiate in Canon law at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, in Canada in 1994. Ever since he had been involving various ministries. He was the member of Toronto Archdiocese Tribunal, Canada in 1994, Palembang Diocese Church Judge from 1995 to 2019 and Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocese of Palembang from 2005 to 2019 and served many more administrative sections. Besides, he has attended domestic and foreign meetings: Salamanca [Spain], Hales Corners [USA], Toronto – Ottawa [Canada], Kilwinning[Scotland], Milltown and Maynoth