21 September 2017
21 Sep 2017

Fr. General visits Dehonians in Ukraine

by  Maciej Kopczyński, scj
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UKR visita-can_2017_1

On September 9-12, 2017, Father General Heiner Wilmer, SCJ, visited the Territorial Community in Ukraine. Joining him was General Councilor Father Artur Sanecki, SCJ.

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The Superior visited our community in Pershotravensk, where he became acquainted with the progress of the construction work (including the community house and the church) of the complex in Irpin near Kiev, and visited most parishes in which Dehonians serve. Each of the confreres had a personal conversation with Fr. General in which he could present his own insights and reflections on our present and future commitment to the people, the Dehonian Congregation and of the Ukrainian Church.

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Finally, a Holy Mass and a meeting of the entire Ukrainian community with the General Superior was held. At the meeting, guidelines for the Assembly in Ukraine were drawn up for the near and distant future.

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Seven confreres from Poland and one local SCJ are currently working in Ukraine. The work consists mainly of parish ministry, which simultaneously deals with a variety of work for the poor, sick and needy. Under the care of the Dehonians there are 15 parishes covering over 30 villages and a town. These are largely inhabited by diverse religious populations (Orthodox, nonbelievers, Catholics, Protestants, followers of the sects.).

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Apart from parish work, confreres teach religion, conduct retreats, develop the youth apostolate, and teach in the seminary.

In the emerging complex in Irpin, a dynamically developing city with several higher education institutions, there are plans for a dorm for about 20 poor students with the possibility of periodic vocation formation during the holidays.

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