Remain in my love: The programmatic letter 2024-2030
The mission is an essential part of the Dehonian apostolate. That's why the new General Government has made it a key focus for the coming years.
Remain in my love: The programmatic letter 2024-2030
The programmatic letter of the new General Government gives pride of place to the theme of communion. This third article in this series gives us some practical guidelines.
Remain in my love: The programmatic letter 2024-2030
The theme of identity is high on the agenda of the new General Administration. But what is it about?
Remain in my love: The programmatic letter 2024-2030
Last month, in mid-January, Dehonians around the world were informed of the new General Administration's programmatic letter.
The World is my Family
Synodality ist the beginning of a new journey in anthropo-ecclesial and socio-religious context of the third millennium.
A world in transformation
For some time now we have been navigating new waters with different conceptions of the world, the human, the being, intelligence, work, spirituality, politics, faith and religion. In such a world, what is our role as Dehonians?
A provincial chapter under the sign of synodality
How do you experience synodality during the chapter? Fr. Stefan Tertünte tells how the German province conducted the recent provincial chapter.
Synodal inspiration for the General Chapter
Synodality, Sint unum and General Chapter.
On the road to unity: Dehonian approach
The path towards unity is a lifelong exercise, as indispensable for the congregation as it is for us.
Ubuntu to the rescue of our Sint Unum
In this article, "Sint unum" is read from the perspective of the philosophical concept of Ubuntu
The Yeast Metaphor: A Perspective from Psychology and Sociology
The concept of "transformation" helps to understand the processes of change in psychology and sociology. The biblical metaphor of yeast is perhaps most appropriate to describe the changes needed in the congregation.
International Colloquium on Reparation
On the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the apparitions at Paray-le Monial, an international colloquium on the theme of reparation was held in Rome at Villa Aurelia from May 1-5, 2024. Here is the report of the meeting.