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Meeting of the European Dehonian Theological Commission
24 April 2024Stefano Zamboni scj  

Meeting of the European Dehonian Theological Commission

In Paris, members of the commission discussed the upcoming general chapter, the centenary of the founder's death and social commitment today. Reconfirmed Fr. Stefano Zamboni as coordinator of the commission.

“Praying with Vatican II”
04 October 2023Joseph Famerée, scj  

“Praying with Vatican II”

Fr. Joseph Famerée scj has been elected Catholic co-chairman of the Dombes group.
Here we present his latest publication and the Dombes group.

From conversion to conversion
28 September 2023FRANÇOIS BUSTILLO OFM Conv.  

From conversion to conversion

Religious life is constantly evolving. It is perfected from crisis to crisis and from conversion to conversion.

Dehonian Legacy of Synodality in Mozambique
02 September 2022Eugénio Tárua, scj  

Dehonian Legacy of Synodality in Mozambique

Today synod means growing a ministerial church.

Religious life is prophecy
30 August 2022Luc Van Looy  

Religious life is prophecy

In our developed society, what role does consecrated life play? Does communities devoted to contemplation still make sense?

The theme of the synod in Settimananews
30 August 2022Lorenzo Prezzi, scj  

The theme of the synod in Settimananews

The synodal way, as seen by Settimananews, an online magazine published by Dehonians in Italy.

Academic expressions of synodality in the dynamics of the Dehonian charism
22 August 2022Joseph Famerée, scj  

Academic expressions of synodality in the dynamics of the Dehonian charism

The author was a university professor and explains the relationship between the Dehonian charism, academia and the synod.

Becoming Neighbours and the Synod
18 July 2022Gustave N'dotoni Lulendo, scj & Peter McKenna, scj  

Becoming Neighbours and the Synod

The Dehonian experience in Canada.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the anthropology of the heart in Africa
01 July 2022Joseph Kuaté, scj  

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the anthropology of the heart in Africa

A re-reading of the spirituality of the Sacred Heart from the African anthropology of the heart.

From Jewish Easter to Christian Easter
16 April 2022Joseph Kuaté, scj  

From Jewish Easter to Christian Easter

Passover changed its content with the resurrection of Christ. Previously, it meant the passage from slavery to the liberation of the Jewish people, but among Christians it became synonymous with the resurrection of Christ.

Ukraine: Putin, Cyril and the vassals
04 March 2022Lorenzo Prezzi SCJ  

Ukraine: Putin, Cyril and the vassals

The expansionist model of Putin's Russia and the refusal of the Orthodox Church in Moscow to characterize the military aggression against Ukraine.

Leone Dehon, man and gentleman
13 December 2021Aimone Gelardi scj  

Leone Dehon, man and gentleman

Dehon wrote a great deal and not always in an original, critical and scientific way. The material available online and edited by the Centro Studi Dehoniani should stimulate research conducted in a scientific way, in order to "bring out the image of a Christian and holy man who has much to say to each one of us and to the Church".

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