Saint Institute Jean and La Croix in Saint-Quentin
On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, Institution Saint Jean et La Croix inaugurated a renovated building and dedicated it to Father Léon Jean Dehon. Here is Father Joseph Famerée's speech on the connection between Léon Dehon and Institution Saint Jean.
Cult, Devotion and Spirituality
In the Rule of Life of the Dehonians, the cult of the Sacred Heart has the traits attributed to it by the Church; the devotion incarnates today what the Founder lived in his time; the spirituality inspires a given style of life.
Reparation and Mercy in a context of conflict
"If our Dehonian charism is a richness for the Church and society, a gift of God for each one of us, it is also true that it can become mute for our societies in crisis if it is not pregnant with a global project of society, which responds to the thirsts of men and women of our time, in the real context of their daily existence."
Challenges for Dehonian and Ecclesial Life Today
Lecture of Fr. Władysław Majkowskis scj during the meeting of the Major Superiors of Europe (Krakow, October 12, 2021)
Where is your brother? The risk of fraternity
Is not the present violence a castration of the thirst for fraternity? It is therefore necessary to respond in a dignified way to current violence, which is a sign of existential decline, with the necessary risk of fraternity.
Dehonian Constitutions ’82: Destruction of Sacred Heart Devotion?
On July 5, published a contribution by Marcello Neri with the title "Sacred Heart and the Dehonian Constitutions". His text also provoked critical reactions.
The Sacred Heart and the Dehonian’s Constitutions
Today it is necessary to graft devotion onto concrete signs that can be understood by the men and women of our time.
Why want to be something, when you can become someone?
For more than a decade we have been witnessing progressive globalization of crises in the world, the current pandemic of COVID-19 is the most powerful manifestation. The author proposes ways of renewing humanity in each of us and in a global way, starting from a re-reading of the consequences of the current crisis caused by Covid-19.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart and social commitment in Fr. Erminio Crippa
On the 100th anniversary of his birth, Don Poli, API-Colf's national ecclesiastical assistant, re-reads the spirituality of Fr. Erminio Crippa, scj. The commemoration took place in Rome on April 17 at the Dehonian Generalate.
A life spent to give dignity to women
April 18 marked the centenary of the birth of Dehonian Fr. Erminio Crippa. A life spent in social commitment in support of minors and the fight for the rights of working women.
Hans Küng’s death
Hans Küng's death at the age of 93 years old has stirred up more than 50 years of theological dialectics