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Why do the walls go up?
01 March 2016Rinaldo Paganelli,scj  

Why do the walls go up?

Meetings and stories
16 February 2016Steve Huffstetter, scj  

Meetings and stories

Reflection on visit to India
01 February 2016Stephen Huffstetter, scj  

Reflection on visit to India

Europe – Reflecting on the motto of the General Chapter: Trinitarian Grounding of Mercy
22 February 2015Fernando Rodríguez Garrapucho, scj  

Europe – Reflecting on the motto of the General Chapter: Trinitarian Grounding of Mercy

Towards the General Chapter 2015:Contributions of  the European Dehonian Theological Commission

Reflecting on the motto of the General Chapter: Mercy and Pardon
01 February 2015John van den Hengel, scj  

Reflecting on the motto of the General Chapter: Mercy and Pardon

Towards the General Chapter 2015: ontributions of  the European Dehonian Theological Commission

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