28 October 2022
28 Oct 2022

Interprovincial Meeting of Formators of the Brazilian Provinces

From September 13 to 15, 2022, another Interprovincial Meeting of Formators of the Brazilian Provinces took place.

by  Rodrigo Victor de Souza Pereira, scj

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From September 13 to 15, 2022, another Interprovincial Meeting of Formators of the Brazilian Provinces took place, this time in the Province of Brazil Recife, in the city of João Pessoa-PB. The following confreres were present: Ademir Pedroso (BSP), Anderson Ribeiro (BSP), Erick da Silva (BSP), Francisco Sales (BRE), Gimesson da Silva (BRE), Nelber Rodrigues (BSP), Rodrigo Pereira (BRE), Rubens Rieg (BRM), Zaqueu Suczeck (BRM).

Our meeting began on Tuesday morning (13) with the Holy Mass presided by the Provincial Superior of the BRE, Fr. Josemar Lima, scj, and in the afternoon of this day, we started our work, having as our main task the conclusion and the last adjustments of the Iter Formativo, a joint project organized by the three Provinces which will help to form teams in each entity.

A second moment that marked this meeting considerably was the sharing of themes on urgent topics in the formation process: Fr. Anderson presented an “Analysis of youth”, Fr. Erick spoke about the “Digital influencers”, Fr. Gimesson dealt with “Clericalism in Religious Life”, and closing this moment, Fr. Rubens brought to the centre of the conversation a reflection on the “Identity of the Dehonian formator”.

And finally, on the last day of the meeting, we dealt with more practical matters, namely: the Course of Perpetual Vows 2023, the dates and celebrations of the Provinces, the Vocation Year 2022-2023, and the Commission’s calendar for 2023. Besides these intense days of work, the meeting was very fruitful for the moments of confraternity, relaxation, interaction and sharing about the different realities of our provinces. And there is one thing to be noted that needs to be shared about this meeting: the seriousness and concern of the formators about the most emerging issues in the area of formation.

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