50 Years of Religious Life: All Because of God’s Faithful Love
Father Antonius Yuswita SCJ (77) and Father Yulianus Puryanto SCJ (75), both members of the Province of Indonesia, celebrated their golden jubilee of religious life.
Norway: Father Kumar’s missionary experience
Father Vinodh Kumar SCJ talks about his experience as a missionary in Norway.
“I am with you”
In Krakow at Saska street is home to not only the Sacred Heart monastery and hotel, but also also the seat of specialized pastoral ministries, where, among others, is very important to promote a medical and pastoral care for married couples who cannot have children (naprotechnology). An Interview with Father Włodzimierz Płatek scj
Formation: a priority for Dehonians in Madagascar
Interview with Father Jean Léonard Ramarofanomezana, Regional Superior, about the Chapter and the Superior General's visit.
Interview with the Superior General
"The Heart of Jesus, as our Founder told us so well, continues to be our great treasure."
Living Advent in Ukraine
What does it mean to experience Advent and prepare for Christmas in Ukraine?
Time for the essentials
Interview with Provincial Father Stefan Tertünte SCJ about dream jobs, community and people on the margins.
Ornelas: Fatima, Russia and Ukraine
Interview with Msgr. José Ornelas Carvalho, bishop of Leiria-Fatima and president of the Portuguese Bishops' Conference
The Ecumenism of Life
Interview with Octavio Burgoa, Lutheran Church Pastor
Interview with Brother Michel Poirier
An interview with Brother Michel Poirier, born in 1915.
“I cannot defend war in the name of God.”
Card. Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, says in this interview that the war in Ukraine is also "a tragic message for Christianity."
“I try to be credible in what I say, think, and do”
Fr. Heinz Lau looks back on his years of service as provincial.
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