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28 March 2022Sergio Rotasperti scj  

Ukraine: Fr. Andrzej Oleinik and Siergiej Babic recount their wartime mission.

Fr. Andrzej Oleinik is a young Moldavian Dehonian priest and Siergiej Babic is a Ukrainian medical student interested in Dehonian religious life. They shared first of all their joy for the opportunity to speak with the Congregation "because we are a family".

10 January 2022Tinu Thomas Padapurakkal, scj  

“There is no holiness in sadness”

An interview of introduction of newly elected provincial.

28 December 2021Mário Henrique da Costa Nunes, scj  

Building bridges with a willingness to cross them

In this interview we will get to know a little more about the work and reflections of our confrere.

22 December 2021Sergio Rotasperti, scj  

#scjnews l 14

Interview with Fr. Renzo Busana, scj missionary in Congo.

20 December 2021Boris Igor Signe, scj  

“I am happy to exercise my ministry as an SCJ Bishop”

Interview with Zolile Peter Mpambani scj, Archbishop of Bloemfontein in South Africa, who received the Pallium on December 11th.

16 December 2021Boris Igor Signe, scj  

Visit of the General Superior to Mozambique

The provincial superior, Fr. Alessandro Capoferri, tells us about this visit.

25 August 2021Boris Igor Signe, scj  

“Our carism and spirituality are full of challenges that can build a better world today”

Father Felisberto Juliana Dumbo, scj was ordained a priest on August 14 in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the Diocese of Viana. The second Angolan Dehonian answered our questions.

23 August 2021Rodrigo Arruda, scj  

“My answer each day is ‘yes’!”

Last June 25, Br. Antônio Gonçalves (BSP) received his appointment as local treasurer of the Generalate. In this interview, he tells us how he is going to live this mission.

20 August 2021

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Interview with Father General Carlos Luis Suarez, sharing the experience of his visit to the confreres at the new mission in Colombia.

06 August 2021André Lorenz  

At the service of identity

Interview with Father Stefan Tertünte SCJ, director of the Centro Studi Dehoniani, on ‘the legacy of Dehon and how it can be transmitted today’.

26 July 2021Renato Lima scj  

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Interview with Father Eli Lobato dos Santos, scj elected Superior Provincial of the BSP

22 July 2021P. Manuel Lagos, scj  

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"We have seen a scenario of war in which we thought we were dying". Interview with Angelo Rangel, Dehonian layman and social activist of the San Miguel Arcángel del Cementerio parish in Caracas-Venezuela.

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