17 March 2025
17 Mar 2025

JAVIERADA 2025: Pilgrimage to Javier Castle, birthplace of Saint Francis Xavier.

From 6 to 9 March 2025, students and teachers from all the Dehonian schools in Spain made a pilgrimage to Javier Castle (Navarre), the birthplace of Saint Francis Xavier.

by  Ángel Alindado Hernández SCJ

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As they do every year, students and teachers from all the Dehonian schools in Spain made a pilgrimage to the castle of Javier (Navarre), the birthplace of Saint Francis Xavier. From 6 to 9 March, they stayed at our Colegio Seminario Padres Reparadores in Puente la Reina. There, they had a number of opportunities to meet and pray, as well as workshops on the rich cultural and religious heritage of the city and neighbouring Pamplona. They also prayed at the tomb of Blessed Juan María de la Cruz, scj.

On Saturday 8 March, a pilgrimage took place to the birthplace of the patron saint of the missions, attended by 180 students and teachers, and concluded with the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by the Archbishop of Pamplona and Bishop of Tudela, Florencio Roselló Avellanas.


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