17 May 2018
17 May 2018

Message of greeting from Fr. Heiner Wilmer

by  Maria Ceraolo
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After his appointment as bishop of Hildesheim, Germany, and before his final departure for this new task that the Church has entrusted to him, Fr. Heiner Wilmer addresses the Congregation, the Dehonian Family, and all the friends and collaborators who in recent years (not just those as Superior General of the Dehonians) have been close to him, have supported him, helped and allowed his personal, professional and spiritual growth to be in continuous development.


In his greeting, Fr. Heiner recalls the commitments, the areas that he and the General Council named as priorities. He noted that results do not always come quickly and may need a lengthy period of time of focus.

Themes such as poverty, marginalization and migration must, according to Fr. Heiner, be of primary concern for the Congregation. Always, we must leave the sacristies and go to the people, as did Fr. Dehon. Because of this, Fr. Heiner writes that communication is not only a means to interact with others, but an instrument to help others know the Word of God.

This message from the newly appointed bishop of Hildesheim is a wonderful example of the communication he speaks of, transmitting the sentiments that Fr. Heiner wishes to share with us all in this moment – perhaps a little unexpected – of great changes in his life and in the life of the Congregation.

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