Social Commitments

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Who among you, having a hundred sheep, and losing one, does not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and goes after the lost one until he finds it again? (Lk 15,4)

The attention and determination of the Shepherd “in search of the lost sheep” led Jesus to go to the peripheries.
It is also a new way of expressing one of the essential dimensions of our charism.


My Social Commitment
14 January 2022Aldo Marchesini, scj  

My Social Commitment

P. Aldo Marchesini: dehonian, priest, surgeon and missionary. His reflections for the General Conference.

The situation on the Balkan route
07 November 2021Giordano Cavallari  

The situation on the Balkan route

Interview with Daniele Bombardi, contact person for Caritas Italiana projects in the Balkans. He lives in Sarajevo.

Dehonians in Mozambique: serving the people
18 October 2021Alessandro Capoferri scj  

Dehonians in Mozambique: serving the people

When a charism meets with a people and a culture, things happen that had never been written before may happen. This is what happened for the Dehonian charism and the dehonians in Mozambique.

Jeunes en Difficultés (JED) : A social work of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in Cameroon
08 September 2021Stéphane Dassi scj  

Jeunes en Difficultés (JED) : A social work of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in Cameroon

JED (Jeunes En Difficultés), one of the most important social works of the Dehonians based in Bafoussam, Cameroon, is a institution that promotes the socio-professional integration of disadvantaged youth through the learning of small trades.

Italian Dehonians and social commitment
06 September 2021P. Marcello Mattè scj  

Italian Dehonians and social commitment

The Dehonians of Northern Italy (ITS) have a long tradition of social engagement. Here is a brief presentation of current social activities.

The social commitment of the Dehonians in Ecuador
13 July 2021

The social commitment of the Dehonians in Ecuador

The SCJs of Ecuador have promoted many social projects. The pandemic has not stopped their work, albeit with many more difficulties.

We and the migrants
29 June 2021Rocco Conte  

We and the migrants

Dehonians in the South of Italy have been open to welcoming migrants for several years. Stories of welcome before and during the pandemic

Dehonians in Mozambique living Laudato Si
09 June 2021P. Luciano Vieira, scj  

Dehonians in Mozambique living Laudato Si

Dehonians and Missionary Company of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Work together implementing Laudato Si

Social Works, Projects and Social Commitment in the German Province
26 May 2021Olav Hamelijnck scj  

Social Works, Projects and Social Commitment in the German Province

How is the social commitment made concrete in the Congregation? The virtual tour of the entities begins in Germany. The social commitment in the different religious communities.

Congo: Fire at the Dehonian Parish of Saint Clément
11 April 2021Kivahuka Faustin, scj  

Congo: Fire at the Dehonian Parish of Saint Clément

On the night of Tuesday, April 6, 2021, the community of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was the victim of a fire.

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