06 February 2023
06 Feb 2023

New novices… and new brothers for the Province of Mozambique.

The Mozambican Province joins for the gift of young people, who have chosen to be part of the congregation.

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On January 24th (entry to Novitiate) and 25th (first professions) at the novitiate of Fr. Bernardo Longo in Gurue. On January 25th the Mozambican Province received with joy the new brothers who made their first profession in the hands of the Provincial, Father Alessandro Capoferri.
The celebration was simple but very joyful, attended by priests, sisters and family members of the professed. Celebrating on the same day the Conversion of St. Paul, the professed were reminded that the profession of vows can be defined exactly as a “conversion”: a radical change of horizon with the assumption of new life coordinates.
May the Heart of Christ help the new novices to live this “privileged” year with an open heart and mind, to abandon themselves to the breath of the Spirit and allow themselves to be impregnated by the Love of God And that the newly professed may live their daily “Ecce Venio” with fidelity and generosity with joyful hearts and lively dedication.
The 5 newly-professed will continue their formation (theology) in an international community: 2 will go to South Africa, and 3 to Cameroon.

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