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Fr. Frans Van der Hoff
14 February 2024

Fr. Frans Van der Hoff

* 16.07.1939
† 13.02.2024

The 14th Provincial Chapter of the Polish Province
12 February 2024

The 14th Provincial Chapter of the Polish Province

33 delegates from Poland, Belarus, Finland and Moldova came to the Chapter's deliberations at the SCJ seminary in Stadniki. The main theme of the Chapter is: the Congregation's charism in the light of the current signs of the times.

Called to be One in a Transforming World
09 February 2024Michael Augustine SCJ  

Called to be One in a Transforming World

5th Indian District Chapter, 15-18 January, 2024

05 February 2024Lorenzo Prezzi, scj  


Persecutions exist and are on the rise

6th CMR Provincial Chapter, a synodal moment
05 February 2024Idriss Duhamel Fotié, SCJ  

6th CMR Provincial Chapter, a synodal moment

The Cameroonian Province held its 6th Provincial Chapter in two sessions, the first in July 2023 and the second in early January this year. A true moment of province celebration, in the presence of Father Charles Aimée Koudjou, General Councilor.

Meeting of Latin American Treasurers
30 January 2024

Meeting of Latin American Treasurers

During the week of January 15-19, the last continent-wide meeting of the Congregation's treasurers was held in Recife.

IV Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Religious Life
29 January 2024

IV Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Religious Life

With more than 3,500 religious, the IV Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Religious Life began, organized by the CLAR - Latin American Confederation of Religious.

New Board of Directors of the social organizations of the Brazilian Provinces
26 January 2024

New Board of Directors of the social organizations of the Brazilian Provinces

On January 22, the new board of the “Associação Dehoniana Brasil Meridional” (ADBM), a civil entity that manages the social and educational assistance works of the Dehonian Provinces, took office.

Regional Assembly of Venezuela, new paths in the Spirit
24 January 2024Carlos Abache  

Regional Assembly of Venezuela, new paths in the Spirit

The Regional Assembly was held at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Jarillo from January 8th to 11th.

Congo: travel impressions /1
22 January 2024Yanick N. Maliro-J'écris  

Congo: travel impressions /1

From January 10 to 15, editorial meetings were held in Kinshasa between the African magazine J'écris and two representatives of the SettimanaNews editorial team. The project is supported by the Superior General of the Congregation, Father Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú.

The Dehonian Family and its future
19 January 2024

The Dehonian Family and its future

Meeting of the Dehonian Family. Rome, December 9-12, 2023

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