Election of the Superior General live #6
Direct of the election of the new Superior General of the Dehonians
Reflection on the Word of God
Daily reflection on the readings from the liturgy of the day
“A blessed presence”
On the fifth day of the general chapter, the process of electing the superior general began.
Dehonian SocialRoom #5
In today's program we will share the theme of unity in sustainability for us Dehonians. With fr. Charles, fr. Bienvenu, Scj, fr. Luca Zottoli, fr. Wagner and mister Aldo
The joy of the Gospel and the challenges ahead
Ten years have passed since Pope Francis' first document, Evangelii gaudium. Challenges and open questions
We are a community of brothers and responsible for one another
The fourth day of the general chapter was dedicated to the report of the general treasurer and the presentation of the geographical areas of Africa and Asia.
Reflection on the Word of God
Daily reflection on the readings from the liturgy of the day
DehonCast #4
In today's DehonCast we share about the theme, the world is my family. Interview and conversation with fr. Emmanuel Nanduri, SCJ, fr. Ramón Domínguez Fraile SCJ, fr. Bruno Pilati, fr. Micheal Augustine, fr. Andreas Suparman.
At the service of a dynamic and increasingly international congregation
The third day of the chapter was dedicated to the Superior General's report on the state of the Congregation.
Reflection on the Word of God
Daily reflection on the readings from the liturgy of the day
Dehonian SocialRoom #3
Interview with Father Carlos, Superior General of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, about the current situation of the congregation and its perspectives.
Healing the fragmentation of today’s world
The second day of the chapter was dedicated to spiritual retreat. Fr. Jose Ruiz Perez, SJ.