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Remain in my love: The programmatic letter 2024-2030
17 February 2025Ângelo José Adão SCJ  

Remain in my love: The programmatic letter 2024-2030

Last month, in mid-January, Dehonians around the world were informed of the new General Administration's programmatic letter.

Fr. Pío Lázaro Riaño
15 February 2025

Fr. Pío Lázaro Riaño

* 15.01.1937
† 15.02.2025

Renewing of vows in Portugal
14 February 2025Ricardo Freire SCJ  

Renewing of vows in Portugal

Young religious Roque Soares Forma (from Mozambique) and João Batista Freitas Souza (from Brazil) renewed their religious vows on Friday 24 January.

Canada: a commitment to move forward together
12 February 2025Antonio Maria Resende SCJ  

Canada: a commitment to move forward together

The new administration of the Canadian Region was installed in Ottawa on 16 January 2025 during a Eucharistic celebration.

Fr. Claudino Afonso da Piedade
09 February 2025

Fr. Claudino Afonso da Piedade

* 07.07.1963
† 09.02.2025

A Sign That Fraternity is Possible
05 February 2025

A Sign That Fraternity is Possible

Reflections on the Dehonian Rule of Life.

Fr. Yvon Sheehy
03 February 2025

Fr. Yvon Sheehy

* 18.05.1950
† 01.02.2025

Great Success of Colegio Padre Dehon – A School in Spain run by Dehonians
03 February 2025Paweł Szlezinger SCJ  

Great Success of Colegio Padre Dehon – A School in Spain run by Dehonians

Colegio Padre Dehon in the Spanish city of Novelda has just been recognized in the list of the best schools in the Alicante Province, ranking 15th in the list compiled by MiCole.

Ordination of 7 Deacons in Palembang
01 February 2025Cristo Wahyu Tri SCJ  

Ordination of 7 Deacons in Palembang

On January 25, 2025, seven brothers were ordained as deacons in Palembang, Indonesia.

Presbyteral and diaconal ordinations in the Congolese Province
24 January 2025Dieudonné Munia SCJ  

Presbyteral and diaconal ordinations in the Congolese Province

At the beginning of 2025, the Province of the DRC was blessed with the gift of new sacred ministers. Six priests and two deacons were ordained in three different dioceses.

Retreat for Altar Servers in Belarus
20 January 2025Pawel Szlezinger, Aleksiej Venckevich  

Retreat for Altar Servers in Belarus

Following in Fr Dehon's footsteps in the education and formation of young people, the Dehonians of Belarus organised a retreat for altar servers from Dehonian parishes from 2 to 4 January.

Fr. Stanisław Stawowczyk
19 January 2025

Fr. Stanisław Stawowczyk

* 14.04.1950
† 19.01.2025

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