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Canonical Visit of the Superior General to the Portuguese Province
26 June 2023Zeferino Policarpo, scj  

Canonical Visit of the Superior General to the Portuguese Province

Carlos Luis, Superior General of the Congregation, and Fr. Levi, General Councilor, dedicated a month to visiting the Portuguese Province.

An Extraordinary Formative Experience
21 June 2023

An Extraordinary Formative Experience

The conclusion of a stage does not at all mark the end of the journey undertaken.

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (9)
21 June 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (9)

P. Martino-Maria (Agostino) Waguet, Padre Agostino (Leo) Herr (1855-1904). Padre Paolo della Croce (Arturo) Delgoffe (1861-1944), Padre Pietro della Natività (Emilio) Bertrand (1863-1946), Padre Benedetto (Giuliano) Lequeux (1861-1908)

Feast of the Sacred Heart at the Founder’s: La Capelle
20 June 2023

Feast of the Sacred Heart at the Founder’s: La Capelle

The whole congregation celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart with solemnity. The confreres in La Capelle share moments of prayer and celebration.

Koszyce Małe Retreat house
19 June 2023

Koszyce Małe Retreat house

Koszyce Małe, Poland.

Priestly Heart of Jesus
15 June 2023

Priestly Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart is connected with every mystery and every phase of Our Lord's life.

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (8)
14 June 2023Aimone Gelardi scj (ed.)  

Life and apostolate of Dehon’s first dehonians (8)

Fr. Paul Marie (Alfredo) Philippot, Fr. Giacomo Maria (Ernesto) Herr (1856-1929), Fr. Bartolomeo Maria (Edmondo) Dessons (1852-1923)

The uncommon
13 June 2023

The uncommon

Letter for the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 16, 2023

Br. Joseph Mary Vu Van Cong
12 June 2023

Br. Joseph Mary Vu Van Cong

* 02.10.1994
† 09.06.2023

Superior General visits Portugal
12 June 2023Igor André Barbosa de Oliveira, scj  

Superior General visits Portugal

World Youth Day will begin in two months. The Superior General visited the Lisbon foundation that is preparing for WYD.

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