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Towards an Economy for All #4
10 May 2023

Towards an Economy for All #4

Theological Seminar
Madrid, Thursday, May 11

Towards an Economy for All #3
09 May 2023Marco Bernardoni, scj  

Towards an Economy for All #3

Theological Seminar.
Madrid, Wednesday 10 May.

Towards an Economy for All #2
08 May 2023Marco Bernardoni, scj  

Towards an Economy for All #2

Theological Seminar.
Madrid, Tuesday, May 9

Towards an Economy for All #1
07 May 2023Marco Bernardoni, scj  

Towards an Economy for All #1

Theological Seminar.
Madrid, Monday, May 8

Theological seminar in Madrid: an invitation open to all
28 April 2023Stefan Tertünte, scj  

Theological seminar in Madrid: an invitation open to all

Fr. Stefan Tertünte introduces the Dehonian Theological Seminar which will take place in Madrid from May 7-11, 2023. The theme of the seminar is "Towards an Economy for All. Inclusive, sustainable, just."

Fr. Giuseppe Gruber
26 April 2023

Fr. Giuseppe Gruber

* 06.02.1933
† 22.04.2023

What Church today? Returning to the origins of the Church
22 April 2023Salvo Coco  

What Church today? Returning to the origins of the Church

The daily life of the early Christians was inspired by baptism. And today? There is still a long way to go to fully realise the Second Vatican Council.

The gift of the diaconate for the Vietnamese church
22 April 2023

The gift of the diaconate for the Vietnamese church

Joseph Do Ngoc Luan, who belongs to the Vietnamese district was ordained a deacon

Toward an Economy for All
22 April 2023

Toward an Economy for All

Theological Seminar - Madrid 7/11 May

Four new priests in Cameroon
19 April 2023Boris Signe Mouafo  

Four new priests in Cameroon

On April 15, 2023, four Dehonians were consecrated priests at Sacred Heart Parish in Bafoussam, Cameroon. It was not only a spiritual moment rich in emotions, but also a historical reminder of the Dehonian mission in Cameroon and Chad.

Fr. Ernest Budyn
14 April 2023

Fr. Ernest Budyn

* 07.07.1935
† 14.04.2023

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