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The Region of Venezuela prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary
12 April 2023Manuel Lagos, scj  

The Region of Venezuela prepares to celebrate its 70th anniversary

The Region of Venezuela begins its preparations for the celebration of 70 years of SCJ presence in Venezuela.

Fr. Manuel Fernando Ribeiro
11 April 2023

Fr. Manuel Fernando Ribeiro

* 02.03.1936
† 10.04.2023

Easter Day: Resurrection and apparition to Mary
08 April 2023Leon Dehon  

Easter Day: Resurrection and apparition to Mary

.The ground shakes, an angel appears like a lightning and opens the tomb. Jesus comes out and visits Mary. With you, my holy mother, I wait and hope. Jesus will come to visit me, to console me and to strengthen me. (Fr. Dehon)

Leo Dehon: leaving the sacristy and going to the people
08 April 2023Primo Corbelli  

Leo Dehon: leaving the sacristy and going to the people

"The Church is not an enemy of progress. But... what progress can there be without work, what social welfare without justice? True progress is that of human dignity" (Father Dehon).

Holy Saturday: The mourning of Mary and the apostles and the trial of Magdalene
08 April 2023Leon Dehon  

Holy Saturday: The mourning of Mary and the apostles and the trial of Magdalene

The Blessed Virgin expresses her sorrow calmly to Saint John. Magdalene, more agitated, runs to buy perfumes and goes to the sepulcher. Mourning, compassion and love, these are the dispositions I must imbue myself with today to fulfill my mission as a disciple of the Sacred Heart. (Fr. Dehon)

Good Friday: The Heart of Jesus opened by the lance
07 April 2023Leon Dehon  

Good Friday: The Heart of Jesus opened by the lance

The last act of Christ's passion, the opening of his side, explains and sums up the Savior's entire life. He opened his Heart as the source of all graces. Give me, Lord, the grace to drink from the fountains of holiness and love. (Fr. Dehon)

Holy Thursday: The Last Supper
05 April 2023Leon Dehon  

Holy Thursday: The Last Supper

The cenacle. Jesus is transfigured in the midst of his apostles. The springs of love will open to give the world, the Eucharist. Thank you, Lord. With Saint John, I thank you, I love you, I give myself to you. (Fr. Dehon)

A journey to our missionary roots: internship work in the RDC Province
30 March 2023Emerson Marcelo Ruiz, scj  

A journey to our missionary roots: internship work in the RDC Province

"In the context of the Dehonian Scholarship program (BSD 2021-2023), I was sent for formative work in the RDC Province."

Br. Lorenzo Maffioletti
27 March 2023

Br. Lorenzo Maffioletti

* 01.04.1939
† 25.03.2023

Almost living Easter… with eyes on WYD
23 March 2023

Almost living Easter… with eyes on WYD


Congregation’s solidarity with Ukraine
22 March 2023Artur Sanecki, scj  

Congregation’s solidarity with Ukraine

Amid the horror of war, Dehonians are a sign of love and reconciliation.

Fr. Claudionor José Schmitt
21 March 2023

Fr. Claudionor José Schmitt

* 23.08.1948
† 21.03.2023

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