02 July 2024Willyans Prado Rapozo, SCJ
“Every Dehonian is a missionary wherever he is”
Sixteenth day of the chapter dedicated to the theme of mission.
02 July 2024Andreas Suparman, SCJ
Reflection on the Word of God
Daily reflection on the readings from the liturgy of the day
1 July 2024
DehonianSocialRoom #11
At Villa Aurelia Auditorium, a musical event on the theme of the General Chapter, with the "Altre Note" choir
01 July 2024João Nélio Simões Pereira, SCJ
Reflection on the Word of God
Daily reflection on the readings from the liturgy of the day
30 June 2024Willyans Prado Rapozo, SCJ
Living together as brothers
The chapter’s work dealt with the theme of Economy.
28 June 2024Willyans Prado Rapozo, SCJ
Sint Unum with the Holy Father and the Universal Church
The day was characterized by Pope Francis' audience with the capitulars.
28 June 2024Stefan Tertünte, SCJ
Reflection on the Word of God
Daily reflection on the readings from the liturgy of the day
27 June 2024
27 June 2024Willyans Prado Rapozo, SCJ
Rediscovering the basis of communion
Report on the international college in Rome and a reflection on the theme of communion.