Lord, teach me your ways.
Reflection on the first Sunday of Advent
Dehonian Scout Camp 2024: Building Unity Among Indonesian Dehonian Schools
A total of 150 scouts from five Dehonian schools participated in the inaugural Dehonian Scout Camp 2024.
50 years of SCJ presence in Madagascar
The opening ceremony of the jubilee of the Madagascar Region and the inauguration of the SCJ family tomb took place from 10 to 11 August 2024 in Ambohimirary Antananarivo.
There are reasons for hope
We share the testimonies of volunteers from the Dehonian parish of San Francisco Javier (Valencia) in aid of the flooded population in Valencia.
Chile, a land of mission
Father Łukasz Grzejda SCJ, originally from the Province of Poland and on Mission in Chile for the past two months, talks about his first experiences in a missionary land.
A Dehonian look at “Dilexit nos”
After 68 years we once again have an encyclical dedicated to theology and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Father Emerson Marcelo Ruiz, scj proposes a Dehonian reading of this Encyclical.
Perpetual vows (CMR)
Deaconate and priestly ordination
Norway: Father Kumar’s missionary experience
Father Vinodh Kumar SCJ talks about his experience as a missionary in Norway.